The Bronze Key: Performing Data Encryption by Susan Kozel, Ruth Gibson & Bruno Martelli.
Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied
Interaction (TEI ’18). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 549-554.
The Bronze Key: Performing and Materializing a Cipher System by Susan Kozel, Ruth Gibson
& Bruno Martelli. MOCO 2018 Practice Works, The 5th International Conference on Movement
and Computing, June 2018, Genoa, Italy.
Part of Performing Encryption research.
In collaboration with Gibson / Martelli
March 2018, TEI Exhibition, Kulturhuset, Stockholm, Sweden.
April 2018, Living Archives Final Symposium, Malmö Art Museum, Sweden.
June 2018, Movement and Computing Conference [MOCO], Practice works exhibition, Genoa, Italy.