Living Archives Team

This list includes the core team members that have been part of the Living Archives project.


Maria Engberg

Senior Lecturer, Department of Computer Science and Media Technology, Malmö University.  PhD. in English.





Anders Høg Hansen

Senior Lecturer, School of Arts and Communication, Malmö University.   PhD Cultural Studies.





Susan Kozel     (Project Lead)

Professor, School of Arts and Communication (K3).  Director of the Living Archives Research Project.





Nikita Mazurov

Postdoc with the Living Archives project.





Elisabet M. Nilsson

Senior Lecturer, Interaction Design.  PhD in Education Sciences.





Temi Odumosu

Art Historian and Postdoc researcher on the Living Archives Research Project.





Jacek Smolicki

PhD in Media and Communications and within the Living Archives Research Project.




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